Windsor Junction Community Center Updates

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

End of Summer: PAYMENTS

Just a reminder that Day Camp ends on August 29th, 2008. If you have not done so already, please pay off any outstanding debts. We are open from 7am-6pm Monday-Friday and will also have a staff member to take money at the WJCC building this Saturday August 30th from 11am-4pm. Payments can also be made to the lifeguards this weekend from 12-6pm.

There are numerous families who have outstanding payments from both this summer and last summer. This is the money we use to pay staff, maintain the building and purchase equipment and therefore the money needed to keep our facility and programs running.

Thanks! We hope everyone had an excellent summer with us!

Payments can be made:

Monday August 24 – Friday August 29: 7am-6pm @ WJCC building
Saturday August 30: 11am-4pm @ WJCC building
Saturday August 30th and Sunday August 31at: 12-6pm @ the lifeguard tower

Wednesday August 27th is “Day Camp for Beginners Day”

Do you have a child who is 5 years old and starting school for the first time in September? Bring them to the WJCC Day Camp this Wednesday. Great opportunity for them to get used to being around other kids and away from their parents and helps them understand what Day Camp will be like for next summer. Cost = $10 for the day

Campers need:
Extra clothes
Bathing suit and towel
Appropriate footwear (sneakers or sandals)
Raingear (rain or shine)

See WJCC staff if you have questions, or e-mail for more details!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fri. August 15th, 2008

Hey Parents & Day campers!

Don't forget to dress up for "Hallowe'en day" at daycamp tomorrow! Come join us with your coolest costume.

WJCC Staff

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday, Aug. 12th, 2008

Unfortunately due to the rain and a chance of thundershowers, swimming lessons and sports camp will be cancelled for today.


WJCC Staff

Monday, August 11, 2008

WJCC Keloose Yard Sale

We are holding a yard sale to raise money for a new storage facility (parents and patrons have been great this summer and we have too much stuff and equipment for our small building). We will be accepting item donations on Friday August 15th and Saturday August 16th at WJCC building.

The actual yard sale will held on Sunday August 17th from 12-4pm during the Keloose activities. Hope to see you there!


Keloose Weekend is an end of the summer celebration and this year it will take place on August 15, 16 and 17. Below is what is planned for this special weekend:

Friday, August 15
o 7pm Pre-teen dance at the LWF Fire Hall
o 7pm Adult sing-a-long at the WJCC (instruments welcome)

Saturday, August 16
o 6pm-1am Keloose Adult dance at the LWF Fire Hall Featuring “Dave and Confused”

Sunday, August 17
(all events at the WJCC)
o Cotton candy and popcorn for sale
o Bake sale
o 12-4pm WJCC Yard Sale
o 12:30-1pm Children’s parade. Have your children dress-up and have some fun. 3 different prize groups: Bikes, floats, walkers. All participants get a treat-bag and refreshments
o 1-4pm Games and activities with prizes. Hosted by the WJCC Jr. Leaders; includes face-painting, games of chance, balloon pop, games of skill, a cake walk and much more
o 1-4 Water Frolics at the beach. Events for both young and old with prizes for all ages. Includes canoe races, swimming races, and “biggest splash” event for teens and the “bigger kids” and water games in the shallow end for the younger kids.
(Teams of 2-3 per canoe for the canoe races– dress up and get into it! This is fun to watch and to participate in!)
o 2-6pm Pop, chips, refreshments and a BBQ serving hotdogs
o 4-6pm Keloose Supper supported by the LWF Firefighters
o 7-Fireworks Music School of Performing Arts Variety show
Fire works at dusk!!! (rain date is August 24th 2008)

This is the summer to participate and join in on the fun! Tell your friends and neighbors and let’s make this the best Keloose ever.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2008

Unfortunately due to the rain and a chance of thundershowers, swimming lessons and sports camp will be cancelled for today.


WJCC Staff