Windsor Junction Community Center Updates

Friday, July 09, 2010

WJCC Information

Dear WJCC Parents,

We are excited to get started on another summer at the Windsor Junction Community Centre. Our program is jam packed with fun and exciting things for this summer!
Since we were able to get your emails, we wanted to take the opportunity to introduce and inform you with some information about this summer.

New Addition to the WJCC Building

As a recreation centre, we are always trying to improve and grow to our fullest potential. As you may have noticed, our building is currently under construction. We will soon have a brand new addition to our building which will provide shade and shelter for our day campers all summer long. We are hoping to have it completed very soon, however, in the mean time could you please access the building and bathrooms from behind. For safety precautions, day campers should be using the back door and travelling in the direction away from the parking lot to access the fields.

Raising Money for a NEW Playground!

Unfortunately this summer it was time to remove the old children’s playground down by the beach. It was becoming a safety hazard that was no longer safe for children to play on. However, with community support, we are hoping to raise enough money to build a new one by the end of the summer. If you would like to support this cause, the WJCC will be accepting donations and selling tickets for a lobster draw. Please contact the community centre for more information.

New Day Camp Sign In and Out Procedures

As our program grows at the WJCC, we are trying to grow as well. We are always open to new suggestions and in light of a suggestion from a parent we are now implementing a new signing out procedure. We would like for parents from now on to present a piece of identification when picking up their children. This new procedure did not arise from a situation, we are just trying to secure and update our signing out procedures.
From now on, when day campers are down at the beach, there will now be a staff member stationed in a chair by the sand available to sign children out. This location will be easier for parents to access and will prevent our lifeguards from being distracted at the lifeguard table. So please do not forget to bring your wallet down to the beach when picking up your children.
Also, we are now trying to group the day campers in the morning with two designated staff leaders. These leaders will be responsible in making sure the day campers are ready for the beach before leaving a building. When we are down at the beach the day campers are expected to sit with their group leaders during water break. This enables us to do another head count and monitor water drinking and the application of more sunscreen. Before day campers leave for the day, parents are expected to sign their children out with proof of ID and day campers are expected to tell one of their group leaders they are leaving from the day.
Although it would be nice to have the same leaders for the same group of children each day, it will not be possible with our drop in program. However, we hope the day campers will soon become accustomed to our new routine!

Swimming Lessons

We have been very fortunate this summer to have such great weather for swimming lessons. However, in the event that it does happen to rain and we do have to cancel lessons for the day we will be posting the cancellation on our WJCC Blog:
This blog will also contain frequent WJCC updates.
2nd session registration for swimming lessons will take place Friday, July 16th from 7:30am-6pm and Saturday and Sunday July 17th/18th from 12-3pm. Please ensure to do this in our building, as we are now only accepting checks and interact for payments this summer.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us in person at the WJCC or by email at

Thank you for your time and we hope to have another successful summer!

WJCC Staff